Do you realize that with all our advanced technology, scientists cannot put life back into a dead fly? Think about that. We can fly to the moon, take pictures with our phone and receive calls with our watches, but we cannot raise the dead. Jesus can and He did.
The time of miracles is not gone because the God of miracles is still alive. Perilous times are upon us and we need to know that there is a loving God who still saves, heals, and delivers. Come walk with Him through the Scriptures. Get to know Him through the pages of this book. Spend time with Him and get in position to receive your own miracle today. He’s ready. Are you?
“This book is a testament to the power of God and unrelenting faith in Christ through His word. Once again, we are reminded that all things are possible to those who believe.“
--Claude Tate, Th.D., President and Founder of Faith Bible Institute
Published by Written Words Publishing LLC, 2022
Christian, Non-Fiction
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7356856-7-0
eBook ISBN: 978-1-7356856-8-7
6x9 inches, 48 pages
Dr. Sheila Hamlin is a student of God’s Word. Raised in a Baptist Church in rural Virginia, she continues to study and teach beyond denominational walls. She has an undergraduate degree from Virginia Union University; CAGS (Certificate of Advanced Graduate Studies) from Regent University; and a Ph.D. in Christian Education from Northwestern Theological Seminary. She was ordained in the ministry at FAIM (Faith Alive International Ministry) where she served for twenty years.