Be sure to proof your work over and over and over again before hiring an editor. It's likely you will find errors you didn't notice the first, second or third time you read it. Purchase our Editing Package and we will provide you with tips to help save time and money.
The fact that writers are unlikely to become wealthy from book sales is well known. The satisfaction comes from the joy of achieving goals and knowing your work is “out there” should others choose to read it. Although you might not get rich, you will receive 80% of the sale price when your book is published by us and/or sold here.
There’s plenty of ways to make your book available for sale worldwide, online and in stores, retail and wholesale. We’ll supply you with info needed to do it yourself or you can pay us a reasonable fee to do it for you. Contact us to let us know how we can assist you.
It's your book. Sell it here for whatever price you want, whenever you want. For books sold by us for you, the price can be $0.00-$10,000.00, at any time, for your chosen amount and duration.
Along with your quarterly royalties, we will send a detailed report of book sales—date, price, quantity, format, royalty, and commission.
You wrote the book. The rights are 100% yours when published by us. The copyright certificate will be sent directly to you from the U.S. Copyright Office.
ISBN for eBooks may or may not be needed.
eBooks sold on this website are available in three formats: ePub, PDF and mobi/Kindle. They can be downloaded and viewed on multiple devices including tablets, smartphones and computers. Various apps and software are free. Here are a few suggestions:
Do you have a box full of books collecting dust? Do you need a way to sell them online? We expanded our service to include making books that were not published by us available for purchase here. Send us the books and we'll sell them for you. Contact us for more information.
Podcast interviews are a good way to put yourself in front of your target audience. We have a list of podcasts that interview authors. Contact us and we’ll send it to you.
Literary events are great for meeting readers, building an email list, making sales, and networking with fellow authors. It’s likely an event is taking place in your neck of the woods, which minimizes the expense. Click here to see a calendar of upcoming events.
We suggest you research the validity and worth of contest entries. Click here to view a list of indie author contests. Most of them are recommended by the Alliance of Independent Authors.
The owner of Written Words Publishing recorded a few videos explaining why authors need to break the chain that a huge conglomerate has around their necks. Click here to watch them.
Written by Jenny Shawn
Many writers dream of getting tons of books in the market only to realize that they cannot complete the book in time, and, second, there are too many surprises even if they do complete the manuscript. For first-time authors, the process can look more complicated. Many lose heart and do not complete their manuscripts, regretting it later. Writing a book is really hard, and making sure it gets published requires a lot of patience. Here is what I learned as I completed my book writing journey: (Click here to read more)
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